Friday, May 29, 2009

We are...President Ronald Reagan's presidency

The theme for my project is Ronald Reagan's presidency. It is about what Ronald Reagan did as president. It is also about his life as the president of the United States. For example, the project shows his accomplishments and how he was going to be assassinated.
We chose to use items from Reagan's presidency like articles. It is since the articles depict what he did during his time. Also, it shows what he has down during his time as president. Another item we chose was the picture of the Berlin Wall because he was president when the wall was up.
There were a few methods on how we were able to obtain the found art. We had some help from family who have kept items from the 1980s. Another was found by our neighbors who were willing to lend us their items.
The things I would do differently would probably be to have the courage to travel 100 miles to the Reagan Museum during my free time. Also, be willing to buy things like buttons online. I would also try to decorate the box better and have better prepared box that would fit our design. And, plan better on how the presentation would appear.
My advice would be to obtain the items as early as possible because you will find yourself unable to obtain the items as time passes by. Also, split the work and make sure everyone is on task instead of having one person doing all the work. And, think about your topic really carefully because you want to choose a topic that will allow you to find items easily.

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