Friday, May 29, 2009

Found Art Project - Technology

Our theme for the Found Art project was technology and we found pieces of technology from 1970 to 1990. Notable companies and the famous products they developed were added to the project. Some of the items included were floppy disks, CD ROMs, an old light bulb, cassette tapes, an old record, and pictures depicting other technological inventions and famous people, including Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.
To find these items, our group looked around our houses for old technology. Our parents still had some items from the 1970-1990 period and were willing to lend them to us. Several other found art pieces were also given to us by Ms. Sanderson. We were able to gather over ten pieces of found art technology.
I would organize the items on the box pieces differently, giving spreading them across the available sides more evenly and giving a more uniform look. I would have also tried to obtain more found art pieces and pictures of technology and famous inventors or founders of technological companies.
For next year's class, I would recommend gathering found art early on and compiling pictures to use on the project as well. Having a good look on the overall project will leave a positive impression on viewers. I would make sure that all group members contributed equally and every member was satisfied with the end result. Start early, and do not hold the project off until the last possible moment.


  1. Great thought on the equal contributions and satisfaction with the end result.

  2. Technology sounds like a great topic, imagine if we were still using that technology now.
