Thursday, May 28, 2009

Foud art project: We are..

This U.S. History found art project was all about collecting material from the decades from 1970 to 1990 in order to show, by exposing these object, how a certain aspect of the Americans life was in past.
My group decided to be all about entertainment so we all worked to collect significant milestones to represent the three biggest forms of entertainment: music, video games and movies.
I took particular care about the movies section, since I love this narrative form very much and I learn a lot of interesting facts about the cinema Industry in my Film Literature class.
My items of choice were mostly movie covers, quotes and screen shot and some pieces of merchandise.
I decided to focus on a particular group of movie directors, the film school generation, in particular Steven Spielberg and George Lucas: this is a group of filmmakers who , as their name suggests, studied very deeply how to make the best movie possible and, by the use of special effects, the attention to the wants and desires of their audience and their big inventive, gave birth on the screens to masterpieces like new gangster movie ("The Godfather", "The Untouchables") or amazing science fiction the original Star Wars trilogy, that is the saga that I decided to represent the most. Spielberg is a particular example of very versatile director, since he worked on a lot of different movies, from the very adventurous and entertaining Indiana Jones saga to the deeper, dramatic and at the same time moving story told in "The color Purple".
I collected the carton boxes of the movies both from my teacher and my friends, while I had to buy the Star Wars trilogy.
My project, as told above, was focusing most on Lucas' movie, since the great impact that they had and the fame that they still old is almost a legend and it was really nice going back to its origins, so I collected from he Internet some screen shots of the main characters and also the most memorable quotes, paying attention to avoid spoilers for those he may not have seen the movies yet.
I guess the Star Wars merchandise was the hardest thing to find: my luck is that I have a very busy garage, full of every imaginable thing, here, after a while; I found some candy containers and a very cool tool to make a cake shaped as Star Wars character R2D2.
I'm pretty satisfied with my project, but there are some things that I think could have been improved, for example, I bought modern Star Wars merchandise before looking into the garage, because it was told that there was nothing interesting there.
I also believe it would have been nice having at last a picture of the movie directors that I am mentioning in my project, but there was not that much space on the boxes to put them anyways.
Probably I could also focalize more on a last another saga or movie than Star Wars, but since the theme of my group was entertainment; I decided to stay maybe too close to it.
I hope the next year this project will be one again, because collecting the material and organizing it was really fun; some advices would be at first, look in your garage.
American garages contain almost everything, also potential found art.
The most serious suggestion is to look for an original box design: while most of the people just put the boxes one on the top of another, some students made very original composition, such like a Hamburger container and a nuclear material barrel. I think it was under evaluated the importance f the boxes: they are not just a pedestal or the found art; they can represent the project as well!
So, I wish good luck to the next class who is going to do this project: it was a great overall experience and I'm sure that by listening at the other groups’ presentations it will be even more interesting.

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